[tor-bugs] #9084 [Tor bundles/installation]: TBB 3.0a1 crashes on startup on WinXP (missing entry points for _vsnprintf_s in msvcrt.dll)

Tor Bug Tracker & Wiki blackhole at torproject.org
Sun Sep 22 19:24:06 UTC 2013

#9084: TBB 3.0a1 crashes on startup on WinXP (missing entry points for
_vsnprintf_s in msvcrt.dll)
     Reporter:  dope457              |      Owner:  erinn
         Type:  defect               |     Status:  new
     Priority:  major                |  Milestone:  Tor: unspecified
    Component:  Tor                  |    Version:  Tor: unspecified
  bundles/installation               |   Keywords:  tbb-3.0-stable-blocker,
   Resolution:                       |  tbb-crash
Actual Points:                       |  Parent ID:
       Points:                       |

Comment (by gk):

 Okay, here comes the patch. I wrote the changes for fetch-inputs.sh in a
 way that it fits to my local build procedure (I had no access to some tpo
 mirros). Not sure, if that is a thing you'd like to change. Apart from
 that I am almost happy with it. I plan to work on resolving the _strcmpi
 issue once and for all but am definitely not interested in developing an
 upstream patch for the hard-coded msvcrt in the gcc source. I tested the
 patch locally but could not find any determinism issue. We might want to
 test with a build done on a different machine, though.

Ticket URL: <https://trac.torproject.org/projects/tor/ticket/9084#comment:42>
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