[tor-bugs] #9859 [Tor]: Add flag thresholds to the networkstatus created by a bridge authority

Tor Bug Tracker & Wiki blackhole at torproject.org
Wed Oct 16 13:54:03 UTC 2013

#9859: Add flag thresholds to the networkstatus created by a bridge authority
     Reporter:  sysrqb       |      Owner:
         Type:  enhancement  |     Status:  needs_review
     Priority:  normal       |  Milestone:  Tor: 0.2.5.x-final
    Component:  Tor          |    Version:
   Resolution:               |   Keywords:  tor-bridge trivial
Actual Points:               |  Parent ID:
       Points:               |
Changes (by karsten):

 * cc: atagar (added)


 Replying to [comment:10 sysrqb]:
 > Karsten, would it be better if we moved the threshold line to the end?

 No, at the start is fine.

 > There's no rush to merge this immediately (it looks like Tonga is
 running -rc, so we probably won't be able to start collecting this info
 for a few months).

 Understood.  Though I'd want to prepare metrics-db now, rather than being
 surprised by Tonga upgrading.  But preparing metrics-db shouldn't be hard,
 I just need to sit down for a moment to think about any potential

 And here's one such problem: your new line should start with `"flag-
 thresholds "`, or we'll have a hard time parsing it once we decide to add
 more lines, or when we decide we want to remove the `"stable-uptime"`
 part.  Can you add that keyword?  Like:

 -  tor_asprintf(&thresholds_and_status, "%s\n%s", thresholds, status);
 +  tor_asprintf(&thresholds_and_status, "flag-thresholds %s\n%s",
 thresholds, status);

 Oh, and just to be sure: there is nothing sensitive in that line, so that
 it can be copied as is into sanitized descriptors, right?

 We should also ask atagar for his thoughts on the new line, because he'll
 have to extend stem to support this new line in sanitized bridge network
 statuses.  atagar, do you see any problems with this new line, or do you
 have suggestions for making it easier to parse (in addition to my
 suggestion to prefix the line with a keyword)?

Ticket URL: <https://trac.torproject.org/projects/tor/ticket/9859#comment:11>
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