[tor-bugs] #6320 [Atlas]: Implement fingerprint hash based search (bridge support)

Tor Bug Tracker & Wiki blackhole at torproject.org
Sun Oct 13 00:58:55 UTC 2013

#6320: Implement fingerprint hash based search (bridge support)
     Reporter:  hellais      |      Owner:  hellais
         Type:  enhancement  |     Status:  needs_review
     Priority:  major        |  Milestone:
    Component:  Atlas        |    Version:
   Resolution:               |   Keywords:
Actual Points:               |  Parent ID:
       Points:               |

Comment (by phw):

 Thanks for working on this; it looks good so far!  There's a second part,
 though.  So far, Atlas only cares about 'relay' fields in onionoo data.
 It needs to be extended to also understand 'bridge' fields and display
 them correctly.  Among other things, that might include breaking up
 templates/details/main.html into a separate bridge.html and relay.html.
 Do you want to tackle this as well?

 Ultimately, it would be great if this feature would be similar to what
 [http://globe.rndm.de Globe] does.  Here are two examples with a relay and
 a bridge:

Ticket URL: <https://trac.torproject.org/projects/tor/ticket/6320#comment:8>
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