[tor-bugs] #10132 [Trac]: Trac Timeline broken
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blackhole at torproject.org
Sat Nov 23 18:09:10 UTC 2013
#10132: Trac Timeline broken
Reporter: bastik | Owner: erinn
Type: defect | Status: new
Priority: normal | Milestone:
Component: Trac | Version:
Resolution: | Keywords:
Actual Points: | Parent ID:
Points: |
Comment (by bastik):
Replying to [comment:10 erinn]:
> Okay, with boklm's help on IRC we figured out the problem:
I could have entered there error message I got into a search engine of my
choice. Strangely I didn't.
> The commit in question has the mergetag object. Two good things here:
> 1. the bug is fixed!
> 2. in a version of trac that we can upgrade to!
> I asked weasel and he said he's cool with installing the package if I
deal with the fallout
Cool, and always remember being exposed to radioactive fallout doesn't
make you radioactive yourself. (The more you know....)
> [...] I should be able to do it within the next week.
That sounds reasonable. I don't thing most people will modify their
timeline settings to include more days. Well I don't know how common the
feature is.
Thank you all for figuring out what's broken. Thanks for installing,
weasel. Thanks for dealing with fallout (whatever that is in this case)
Ticket URL: <https://trac.torproject.org/projects/tor/ticket/10132#comment:11>
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