[tor-bugs] #7842 [Tor bundles/installation]: make a graphical TBB installer (extractor)

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Sat Jan 26 03:24:04 UTC 2013

#7842: make a graphical TBB installer (extractor)
 Reporter:  proper                    |          Owner:  mikeperry
     Type:  enhancement               |         Status:  assigned 
 Priority:  normal                    |      Milestone:           
Component:  Tor bundles/installation  |        Version:           
 Keywords:  tbb-usability             |         Parent:           
   Points:                            |   Actualpoints:           
Changes (by mikeperry):

  * keywords:  => tbb-usability


 Our usability studies have in fact discovered that the extraction
 mechanism and destination directory are a common source of confusion.
 http://petsymposium.org/2012/papers/hotpets12-1-usability.pdf lists
 "archive confusion" as the 4th most common "stop issue" that prevented
 people from using TBB. They tested only Windows 7, which uses the self-
 extracting exe, which I would have actually guessed as easier to figure
 out than a zip? Even in the best case, it's the same user activity though:
 Click on exe/zip, lose track of extraction folder, get confused.

 See also #4261 for a similar issue for MacOS users.

Ticket URL: <https://trac.torproject.org/projects/tor/ticket/7842#comment:3>
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