[tor-bugs] #7976 [- Select a component]: Unable to scroll any Twitter pages using arrow keys or "pgup/pgdn" keys on TBB

Tor Bug Tracker & Wiki blackhole at torproject.org
Wed Jan 16 23:27:17 UTC 2013

#7976: Unable to scroll any Twitter pages using arrow keys or "pgup/pgdn" keys on
 Reporter:  cypherpunks           |          Owner:     
     Type:  defect                |         Status:  new
 Priority:  normal                |      Milestone:     
Component:  - Select a component  |        Version:     
 Keywords:                        |         Parent:     
   Points:                        |   Actualpoints:     
 *****Technical Specifications*****
 OS: Linux 32 bit (Debian)
 Browser: Tor Browser Bundle 2.3.25-2
 Browser Addons: Adblock Plus with Easyprivacy+Easylist

 I noticed that starting from Tuesday, January 16 2013, I have been unable
 to scroll on any Twitter or its child pages using the arrow keys.  The
 "Pgup/Pgdn" buttons do not work either.

 NoScript shows that it is blocking a "java-vm" object on Twitter and its
 child pages.  I am not sure if this is related to the scrolling issue
 because I have noticed that the "java-vm" object has been present for a
 few months now (while I was still able to scroll with no problems).

 I logged into Twitter from Firefox 18.0 and was able to scroll without any
 issues.  There was no indication of a "java-vm" object on NoScript either.

 If you need any further details, I'll be glad to provide them.

 Photo showing the NoScript dialog blocking the "java-vm" object:

Ticket URL: <https://trac.torproject.org/projects/tor/ticket/7976>
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