[tor-bugs] #7974 [TorBrowserButton]: Remove the old startup/crash detection code from Torbutton

Tor Bug Tracker & Wiki blackhole at torproject.org
Wed Jan 16 23:04:18 UTC 2013

#7974: Remove the old startup/crash detection code from Torbutton
 Reporter:  mikeperry         |          Owner:  mikeperry
     Type:  enhancement       |         Status:  new      
 Priority:  major             |      Milestone:           
Component:  TorBrowserButton  |        Version:           
 Keywords:  MikePerry201301   |         Parent:           
   Points:                    |   Actualpoints:           
 There's quite a bit of startup delay wrapped up in the crash detection
 components of Torbutton. Sometimes it even causes a toggle back and forth
 before the first window launches.

 This code should be reduced to something that just ensures Tor mode is
 enabled at startup, if not removed entirely.

Ticket URL: <https://trac.torproject.org/projects/tor/ticket/7974>
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