[tor-bugs] #7923 [Tor bundles/installation]: debian package including torbrowser?

Tor Bug Tracker & Wiki blackhole at torproject.org
Fri Jan 11 00:59:17 UTC 2013

#7923: debian package including torbrowser?
 Reporter:  wkgldjelwpzjgptodltovnriqoslwk  |          Owner:  erinn
     Type:  defect                          |         Status:  new  
 Priority:  normal                          |      Milestone:       
Component:  Tor bundles/installation        |        Version:       
 Keywords:                                  |         Parent:       
   Points:                                  |   Actualpoints:       
 The main reason I use Ubuntu is that it seems to minimize the time that I
 need to track all the new versions of all the different packages I use; so
 I was happy to see that Tor maintains a Debian/Ubuntu-compatible
 repository. I had no problem putting


 into my /etc/apt/sources.list, importing the Tor key, and installing the
 tor package; but that package doesn't seem to include the Tor browser
 bundle. Am I missing something?

Ticket URL: <https://trac.torproject.org/projects/tor/ticket/7923>
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