[tor-bugs] #7583 [Tor]: Distribute Tor Browser version and other information through consensus and internal mapaddress + JSON/XML object

Tor Bug Tracker & Wiki blackhole at torproject.org
Mon Feb 25 07:51:00 UTC 2013

#7583: Distribute Tor Browser version and other information through consensus and
internal mapaddress + JSON/XML object
 Reporter:  proper  |          Owner:                    
     Type:  defect  |         Status:  new               
 Priority:  normal  |      Milestone:  Tor: 0.2.5.x-final
Component:  Tor     |        Version:                    
 Keywords:          |         Parent:                    
   Points:          |   Actualpoints:                    
Changes (by nickm):

  * milestone:  => Tor: 0.2.5.x-final


 Important. Needs a milestone. Doesn't seem likely to make 0.2.4, given
 feature cutoff.

Ticket URL: <https://trac.torproject.org/projects/tor/ticket/7583#comment:1>
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