[tor-bugs] #8296 [Tor]: Add note to dir-spec.txt that cell-stats can be inaccurate
Tor Bug Tracker & Wiki
blackhole at torproject.org
Thu Feb 21 10:01:12 UTC 2013
#8296: Add note to dir-spec.txt that cell-stats can be inaccurate
Reporter: karsten | Owner: nickm
Type: enhancement | Status: new
Priority: normal | Milestone:
Component: Tor | Version:
Keywords: tor-spec | Parent:
Points: | Actualpoints:
Rob and I found that cell-stats can be inaccurate under certain
circumstances. We should update dir-spec.txt to say this. Making cell-
stats more accurate should wait until we're clearer what other cell-stats
we'd like to see.
See the attached diagram for an example. For cell stats, we only look at
''processed'' cells, here purple. For the mean queue length (`cell-
queued-cells`), we sum up waiting times, here 750 + 750, and divide by
measurement interval length. This circuit was opened before the
statistics interval and not closed during this interval, so the interval
length is 1000. As a result, we come up with 1.5 as mean queue length.
That's not quite correct. As one can see, there's one cell in the queue
for most of the time, with only two short phases with two cells.
The correct way to calculate mean queue length would be to only sum up
waiting times within the statistics interval, and to include the green
cell that was not processed during the interval. The result would be a
mean queue length of 1.25.
Similarly, mean waiting time (`cell-time-in-queue`) is currently defined
as mean waiting time of ''processed'' cells, so (750 + 750) / 2. We might
also consider only waiting times inside the observed interval and include
non-processed cells. However, this is more complicated to calculate in a
meaningful way.
These inaccuracies are hardly relevant for 24-hour intervals, because only
a small fraction of circuits is open in two such intervals. But it
matters for shorter intervals, like in Rob's simulated Shadow networks.
We think that adding a note to dir-spec.txt and possibly coming up with
more accurate cell-stats later should be fine for now.
Please find branch
/cell-stats-note cell-stats-note in my public torspec repository].
Ticket URL: <https://trac.torproject.org/projects/tor/ticket/8296>
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