[tor-bugs] #7822 [Pluggable transport]: Create an ezpt pluggable transports wrapper

Tor Bug Tracker & Wiki blackhole at torproject.org
Wed Dec 11 02:05:33 UTC 2013

#7822: Create an ezpt pluggable transports wrapper
     Reporter:  dcf                  |      Owner:  asn
         Type:  project              |     Status:  needs_review
     Priority:  normal               |  Milestone:
    Component:  Pluggable transport  |    Version:
   Resolution:                       |   Keywords:  easy
Actual Points:                       |  Parent ID:
       Points:                       |
Changes (by infinity0):

 * status:  new => needs_review



 Error-handling done, documentation done, configuration mostly-complete,

 Note that this includes the fix for #10342 cherry-picked into a separate
 branch. This may cause a merge conflict. If that is committed first, I can
 rebase it.

 All that is left to do is to (perhaps) think of a better way of defining
 user transports. Currently I am reading them from ezpt.spec in the working
 directory (or whatever is defined by EZPT_SPEC), mostly because obfsproxy
 can't take command-line parameters in managed mode. This could be
 acceptable, being "good enough", however.

 (This implementation also let me detect two errors in the OP - `N-ZA-M`
 not `N-Za-M`, and we need to backlash-escape the quotes around `"$_$_"`)

Ticket URL: <https://trac.torproject.org/projects/tor/ticket/7822#comment:6>
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