[tor-bugs] #6940 [TorBirdy]: analyze thunderbird HTTP proxy behaviour

Tor Bug Tracker & Wiki torproject-admin at torproject.org
Mon Sep 24 21:42:47 UTC 2012

#6940: analyze thunderbird HTTP proxy behaviour
    Reporter:  tagnaq    |       Owner:  sukhbir 
        Type:  task      |      Status:  reopened
    Priority:  normal    |   Milestone:          
   Component:  TorBirdy  |     Version:          
  Resolution:            |    Keywords:          
      Parent:            |      Points:          
Actualpoints:            |  
Changes (by tagnaq):

  * status:  closed => reopened
  * resolution:  fixed =>


 We should analyze if we leak in cases where gpg/curl has no socks5

 Do we know it already?

Ticket URL: <https://trac.torproject.org/projects/tor/ticket/6940#comment:39>
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