[tor-bugs] #5993 [Company]: accept direct donations via credit/debit card

Tor Bug Tracker & Wiki torproject-admin at torproject.org
Thu Sep 20 17:00:04 UTC 2012

#5993: accept direct donations via credit/debit card
 Reporter:  phobos    |          Owner:  phobos
     Type:  project   |         Status:  new   
 Priority:  normal    |      Milestone:        
Component:  Company   |        Version:        
 Keywords:  SponsorZ  |         Parent:        
   Points:            |   Actualpoints:        

Comment(by phobos):

 Replying to [comment:10 cypherpunks]:
 > Had you accepted bitcoins a year ago, through any number of exchanges
 you could have received 1000 bitcoins in donations at $5/btc. Today, btc
 is worth $12.99/btc. A $5,000 donation turns into $12,990 for doing
 nothing but sitting on said donation in your btc wallet.

 Had we invested in AAPL or GOOG we also could get a great return. However,
 we're not talking about how Tor invests its money, we're talking about
 accepting credit/debit cards directly.

 Still working on dwolla and a payment processor or two.

Ticket URL: <https://trac.torproject.org/projects/tor/ticket/5993#comment:11>
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