[tor-bugs] #6801 [Tor Client]: seg fault on startup with old state file

Tor Bug Tracker & Wiki torproject-admin at torproject.org
Mon Sep 10 07:45:14 UTC 2012

#6801: seg fault on startup with old state file
 Reporter:  arma        |          Owner:                  
     Type:  defect      |         Status:  new             
 Priority:  normal      |      Milestone:  Tor: unspecified
Component:  Tor Client  |        Version:                  
 Keywords:              |         Parent:                  
   Points:              |   Actualpoints:                  
 My tor client on debian squeeze seg faults on startup:
 #0  0x0000000000440eef in rep_hist_load_bwhist_state_section (b=0x7b9a90,
     s_values=0x0, s_maxima=0x7bdcb0, s_begins=1157593157, s_interval=900)
     at src/or/rephist.c:1678
 #1  0x0000000000441382 in rep_hist_load_state (state=0x7c1240,
     err=0x7fffffffe180) at src/or/rephist.c:1758
 #2  0x00000000004ac81e in or_state_set (new_state=0x7c1240)
     at src/or/config.c:6872
 #3  0x00000000004acd45 in or_state_load () at src/or/config.c:6988
 #4  0x000000000049d87d in options_act (old_options=0x0) at
 #5  0x000000000049c089 in set_options (new_val=0x7bbb10,
     at src/or/config.c:763
 #6  0x00000000004a7570 in options_init_from_string (cf_defaults=0x7bb0f0
     cf=0x7bb1a0 "", command=0, command_arg=0x0, msg=0x7fffffffe3e0)
     at src/or/config.c:4838
 #7  0x00000000004a6f3e in options_init_from_torrc (argc=1,
     at src/or/config.c:4695
 #8  0x000000000040de73 in tor_init (argc=1, argv=0x7fffffffe6b8)
     at src/or/main.c:2342
 #9  0x000000000040e523 in tor_main (argc=1, argv=0x7fffffffe6b8)
     at src/or/main.c:2655
 #10 0x0000000000408b04 in main (argc=1, argv=0x7fffffffe6b8)
     at src/or/tor_main.c:30

 This is the issue:
 0x0000000000440eef in rep_hist_load_bwhist_state_section (b=0x7b9a90,
     s_values=0x0, s_maxima=0x7bdcb0, s_begins=1157593157, s_interval=900)
     at src/or/rephist.c:1678
 1678      int have_maxima = (smartlist_len(s_values) ==

 My state file is from 2006:
 # Tor state file last generated on 2006-09-06 21:24:22
 # You *do not* need to edit this file.

 # How many bytes have we read in this accounting period?
 AccountingBytesReadInInterval 0
 # How many bytes have we written in this accounting period?
 AccountingBytesWrittenInInterval 0
 # How many bytes did we expect to use per minute? (0 for no estimate.)
 AccountingExpectedUsage 0
 # How long have we been awake in this period?
 AccountingSecondsActive 0
 EntryGuard carini 53A31DB04A3312B167269733CC0AB5454768FC8C
 # When does the last-recorded read-interval end?
 BWHistoryReadEnds 2006-09-07 01:39:17
 # How long is each read-interval (in seconds)?
 BWHistoryReadInterval 900
 # Number of bytes read in each interval.
 # When does the last-recorded write-interval end?
 BWHistoryWriteEnds 2006-09-07 01:39:17
 # How long is each write-interval (in seconds)?
 BWHistoryWriteInterval 900
 # Number of bytes written in each interval.
 # Which version of Tor generated this state file?
 TorVersion Tor
 # When was this state file last regenerated?
 LastWritten 2006-09-07 01:24:22

Ticket URL: <https://trac.torproject.org/projects/tor/ticket/6801>
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