[tor-bugs] #2681 [Tor]: brainstorm ways to let Tor clients use yesterday's consensus more safely

Tor Bug Tracker & Wiki torproject-admin at torproject.org
Tue Oct 9 22:26:58 UTC 2012

#2681: brainstorm ways to let Tor clients use yesterday's consensus more safely
 Reporter:  arma                                                                |          Owner:                    
     Type:  enhancement                                                         |         Status:  new               
 Priority:  normal                                                              |      Milestone:  Tor: 0.2.4.x-final
Component:  Tor                                                                 |        Version:                    
 Keywords:  dirauth-dos-resistance proposal-needed MikePerry201210d tor-client  |         Parent:  #2664             
   Points:                                                                      |   Actualpoints:                    

Comment(by arma):

 Initial thoughts:

 - s/Implementation Nodes/Implementation Notes/

 - It's good we're not trying to do this back in the era of normal
 descriptors. We throw those out after 24 hours, and we've had some concern
 in the past that it would be harder to move to a "after 24 hours but not
 if they're still referenced in a consensus" model.

 - While thinking about this I pondered trying to draw a distinction
 between "when I asked for a consensus they gave me this old one" and "I
 haven't been able to fetch a consensus for the past two days, but I still
 have this old one". The hope was that the former situation is scary
 ("under attack") but the latter is less scary ("undirected network
 problems"). But since clients fetch dir stuff via begin_dir these days, I
 don't think that distinction makes sense -- we can compare the time the
 relay says it is with the time on the consensus. But if they're much
 different, what do we do? "Log the possible attack and use it" is not so

 I miss a discussion of the risk from using a 4-day-old consensus. Right
 now an adversary can give you his choice of 18 or so consensus documents,
 and you'll try a couple times to get something better, while using the one
 you've got. Now he can give you his favorite out of something like 120
 consensuses. How much variance is there in them, and what are the
 characteristics between them that make them 'more vulnerable to attack' or

 We should also make sure clients are asking with the "only give me a
 consensus if the one you have is newer than this time" option, to save
 bandwidth all around. (Alas, that's another leak about old client state --
 "I'm the client that got its last consensus 36 days ago".)

 Overall, I like the idea of bumping up the disaster timeframe. 5 days
 seems as good as any other choice. I think since some of the logic we're
 touching is finnicky, it'll be smartest to do some testing -- e.g. trigger
 the conditions in a test network and see what actually happens.

Ticket URL: <https://trac.torproject.org/projects/tor/ticket/2681#comment:8>
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