[tor-bugs] #7566 [Stem]: add close_circuit method to Controller
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blackhole at torproject.org
Fri Nov 30 22:25:50 UTC 2012
#7566: add close_circuit method to Controller
Reporter: robinson | Owner: atagar
Type: enhancement | Status: new
Priority: normal | Milestone:
Component: Stem | Version:
Keywords: controller circuit test | Parent:
Points: | Actualpoints:
Comment(by robinson):
Is it really a problem, for now, to share copyright among the multiple
contributors? I have been involved with prior projects that changed the
license after years of development. Each project sent me an email
requesting my consent (along with the 10s-100s of other contributors) and
both successfully changed licenses.
I agree that the, "simplest method of keeping flexibility in the future is
for an individual to have the copyright over the whole codebase."
However, simplest does not always cover the ethical space one hopes to
encourage. I encourage you to keep your code licensed as LGPLv3 and
accept LGPLv3 (or public domain or CC0) from others, now. Wait to worry
about future license changes till that future, possibly, arrives.
Having said all that, I looked at my development process for these two
patches and it is apparent that I did not do much original work.
close_circuit is a copy-and-paste with minor edits from repurpose_circuit
in the same class. And the same is true for test_close_circuit as a minor
adaptation from test_repurpose_circuit.
So, I am transferring my copyright on these two patches to you, Damian
Johnson, and I relinquish any ownership and control of these patches to
you. However, I may have other ideas for other patches.
The Stem codebase is elegantly beautiful and I have enjoyed poking around
in it. I plan to make other contributions to Stem, in the future, so I
would like to hear what your copyright/licensing/code-sharing plans are
going forward.
Ticket URL: <https://trac.torproject.org/projects/tor/ticket/7566#comment:4>
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