[tor-bugs] #2970 [Website]: Ambiguity for torrc setting(s) *StrictNodes between FAQ and Tor dev manual
Tor Bug Tracker & Wiki
blackhole at torproject.org
Fri Nov 30 00:47:03 UTC 2012
#2970: Ambiguity for torrc setting(s) *StrictNodes between FAQ and Tor dev manual
Reporter: HG2G | Owner:
Type: enhancement | Status: assigned
Priority: trivial | Milestone:
Component: Website | Version:
Keywords: | Parent:
Points: | Actualpoints:
Changes (by littlebohemian):
* cc: exexpat2@… (added)
Replying to [ticket:2970 HG2G]:
> Tor project FAQ entry
"[https://www.torproject.org/docs/faq#ChooseEntryExit Can I control which
nodes (or country) are used for entry/exit?]" states if one so chooses one
should use !StrictEntryNodes 1 for !EntryNodes and !StrictExitNodes 1 for
!ExitNodes. However, the [https://www.torproject.org/docs/tor-manual-
dev.html.en Tor Man Page] for the development version states one would use
!StrictNodes 1 for both !StrictEntryNodes and StrictExitNodes.
> I realize the Tor FAQ is referring to the stable version of Tor, but
that fact is not clear and may be confusing to some people. Maybe it would
be helpful to make a note in the FAQ entry that the settings are for use
with the stable version? Granted this sentence from the FAQ entry "''We
recommend you do not use these'' — they are intended for testing and
may disappear in future versions." seems to make an attempt to warn users
but I think a more clear explanation may be helpful.
I understand that the FAQ incorrectly states that one should use
StrictExitNodes instead of StrictNodes. I'm contacting devs to find out
whether this applies to both the stable and the testing versions before I
update this.
Ticket URL: <https://trac.torproject.org/projects/tor/ticket/2970#comment:2>
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