[tor-bugs] #7493 [Tor]: both IPv4 and IPv6 are unsupported on Linux 3.6 ; ) connection_ap_get_begincell_flags
Tor Bug Tracker & Wiki
blackhole at torproject.org
Fri Nov 16 01:06:20 UTC 2012
#7493: both IPv4 and IPv6 are unsupported on Linux 3.6 ;)
Reporter: Safari | Owner:
Type: defect | Status: new
Priority: blocker | Milestone:
Component: Tor | Version: Tor:
Keywords: | Parent:
Points: | Actualpoints:
I try to connect with SOCKS (polipo) and it fails with these funny errors.
Running Tor as middleman seems to work.
DNS resolution thru Tor works.
now trying tor git ca0c71551e519a1d27cec5db9c9e6722a382d19d
git 83b1a50cc0b worked ok
2012-11-16 02:58:45.722295951 [warn] connection_ap_get_begincell_flags():
Bug: Hey; I'm about to ask a node for a connection that I am telling it to
fulfil with neither IPv4 nor IPv6. That's probably not going to work.
2012-11-16 02:58:46.475374023 [warn] Got a connected cell to with unsupported address family. Closing.
Ticket URL: <https://trac.torproject.org/projects/tor/ticket/7493>
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