[tor-bugs] #6539 [Firefox Patch Issues]: Image cache isolation causes assert crash in debug builds (and other cases?)
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Thu Nov 15 23:16:47 UTC 2012
#6539: Image cache isolation causes assert crash in debug builds (and other
Reporter: mikeperry | Owner: mikeperry
Type: defect | Status: new
Priority: major | Milestone:
Component: Firefox Patch Issues | Version:
Keywords: MikePerry201211d tbb-linkability | Parent: #6528
Points: | Actualpoints: 3
Comment(by mikeperry):
Replying to [comment:14 mcs]:
> We fixed several issues but some remain. Here is what we fixed:
> (1) Added NS_ADDREF() in imgLoader::FindEntryProperties() (accidentally
Possibly. This addref confused me. It appeared to me to be a reference
leak because all callers of FindEntryProperties also perform an addref. In
fact, I still don't understand how it's not a leak. Can you explain?
Though I suppose even if it is a leak, we should leave it in and simply
report it to Mozilla.
> (2) Fixed imgLoader::SetHasProxies() to use the new key format.
> (3) Modified imgLoader::GetCacheKey() to not use the new partitioned key
format for chrome:// images.
> (4) Added some assertions and NULL checks for safety.
> (5) Renamed some parameters for clarity (e.g., key -> imgURI).
> I will attach a patch that shows the above changes. Stability is much
> Change (3) is necessary because the firstPartyURI is NULL when loading
images referenced by some internal pages such as the bookmarks or history
sidebars. Unfortunately, we still see NULL firstPartyURI values for some
internal image loads such as:
> moz-anno:favicon:http://www.mozilla.org/media/img/firefox/favicon.png
> (when referenced by the history sidebar).
> So -- is the intent that firstPartyURI will always be non-NULL inside
the image cache? If so, we need to determine why
ThirdPartyUtil::GetFirstPartyURI() fails in some cases.
Yes. Can we log such cases to the Error Console? I think normal
PR_LOG/stdout logs are unlikely to be seen.
I think I am not concerned about the favicon case, as it does not seem
like it should allow third party tracking, but if there are other weird
cases that could be problematic.
Ticket URL: <https://trac.torproject.org/projects/tor/ticket/6539#comment:15>
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