[tor-bugs] #7059 [Tor]: TorControl: Unrecognized (node) key errors
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Wed Nov 14 03:38:06 UTC 2012
#7059: TorControl: Unrecognized (node) key errors
Reporter: mr-4 | Owner: aagbsn
Type: defect | Status: needs_review
Priority: normal | Milestone: Tor: 0.2.4.x-final
Component: Tor | Version: Tor:
Keywords: tor-client controller | Parent:
Points: | Actualpoints:
Comment(by mr-4):
Replying to [comment:18 nickm]:
> What do you think are the remaining issues?
Issues 3 and 4 as reported above: "ns/id/node" seems to only be working
for "microdescriptor" nodes whereas desc/id/node is exactly the opposite.
Should these be "universal" and work on all nodes regardless, particularly
Ticket URL: <https://trac.torproject.org/projects/tor/ticket/7059#comment:19>
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