[tor-bugs] #5462 [Tor]: Clients should alert the user if many guards are unreachable
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blackhole at torproject.org
Fri Nov 9 08:30:47 UTC 2012
#5462: Clients should alert the user if many guards are unreachable
Reporter: mikeperry | Owner:
Type: defect | Status: new
Priority: major | Milestone: Tor: 0.2.4.x-final
Component: Tor | Version:
Keywords: tor-client, mumble-feature | Parent: #5456
Points: | Actualpoints:
Changes (by mikeperry):
* keywords: tor-client => tor-client, mumble-feature
Replying to [comment:9 nickm]:
> I like the idea of killing the "last N connections thing" by
optimistically retrying when we get a fresh consensus. (Don't we already
mark guards as up when we get a consensus that lists them as Running,
though? I thought we did something like that. We could change it from
"mark them up" to "mark them as to-be-tested-for-upness", I guess?)
> I don't like the "re-test all the guards" logic if the number of guards
to test could be quite large, though. Can we limit it to some not-too-big
number of our apparently-Running guards to try, or will a user with 20
guards they haven't been able to connect to launch 20 connections every
time they get a consensus?
It sounds reasonable that in this case we should only test a random
subset, to avoid DoSing ourselves in case this feature has weird bugs. But
if we have more than N=20+ guards that the dirauths think are up and we
keep trying new ones because most are down, shouldn't this also be a cause
for concern?
Related, we should also check if guards only appear to be up during our
test and in the consensus, but not during normal use (to avoid active
> > That solves the "Is the network live?" question implicitly through
valid consensus download,
> Hm. I think we need to have other triggers too, as you note, because
it's quite possible for Tor to have with a fresh consensus but no network
yet (like, when unsuspending a laptop with Tor running on it, then
connecting to a wireless network or something).
Ok. CBT already has some function calls that tell us when we've recently
read data off an orconn. We can use a similar callback for this.
Ticket URL: <https://trac.torproject.org/projects/tor/ticket/5462#comment:10>
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