[tor-bugs] #7358 [Tor]: Decide on list of stats to collect
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blackhole at torproject.org
Thu Nov 8 20:02:11 UTC 2012
#7358: Decide on list of stats to collect
Reporter: robgjansen | Owner:
Type: task | Status: new
Priority: normal | Milestone: Tor: 0.2.4.x-final
Component: Tor | Version:
Keywords: performance, simulation, statistics, tor-relay, tor-client | Parent: #7357
Points: | Actualpoints:
Old description:
> Here are the statistics I speculate will be useful, and may or may not
> already be available in some form, and may only be available externally
> (outside of the Tor code). Keep in mind that some of this is not intended
> to be collected outside of an experimentation environment, else proper
> aggregation/scrubbing is required.
> client
> * circuit build times, build timeouts
> * which relays were chosen for each circuit, and during which time
> intervals
> * number of streams over time
> * stream throughput over time
> * how long streams have been active/inactive
> * number of and bandwidth expended by client directory operations
> client+relay
> * cell statistics: number queued and processed, waiting times
> * total number of circuits and the various connection types (AP, OR,
> EXIT, DIR) over time
> * throughput of circuits and the various connection types over time
> * when steams, circuits, or connections change active/inactive status
> * how fast/often token buckets were emptied/empty
> *
> relay
> * protocol overheads (raw client data vs protocol traffic)
> * number of and bandwidth expended by directory server operations
> What am I missing?
New description:
Here are the statistics I speculate will be useful, and may or may not
already be available in some form, and may only be available externally
(outside of the Tor code). Keep in mind that some of this is not intended
to be collected outside of an experimentation environment, else proper
aggregation/scrubbing is required.
* circuit build times, build timeouts
* which relays were chosen for each circuit, and during which time
* number of streams over time
* stream throughput over time
* how long streams have been active/inactive
* number of and bandwidth expended by client directory operations
* cell statistics: number queued and processed, waiting times
* total number of circuits and the various connection types (AP, OR,
EXIT, DIR) over time
* throughput of circuits and the various connection types over time
* when steams, circuits, or connections change active/inactive status
* how fast/often token buckets were emptied/empty
* protocol overheads (raw client data vs protocol traffic)
* number of and bandwidth expended by directory server operations
* crypto statistics (see #7134)
What am I missing?
Comment(by robgjansen):
Should we add #7134 to #7357?
Ticket URL: <https://trac.torproject.org/projects/tor/ticket/7358#comment:5>
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