[tor-bugs] #7346 [Tor]: Add stream-level pushback into n23 design
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blackhole at torproject.org
Wed Nov 7 12:55:24 UTC 2012
#7346: Add stream-level pushback into n23 design
Reporter: arma | Owner:
Type: project | Status: new
Priority: normal | Milestone: Tor: unspecified
Component: Tor | Version:
Keywords: performance flowcontrol | Parent: #4506
Points: | Actualpoints:
Comment(by iang):
Could the same n23 method also be used end-to-end at the stream level?
The OP basically tells the exit how much more data it can put in its
(bounded) buffer waiting for delivery to the client. This can be a single
relay cell that lists all the open circuits (or even just the ones
draining slowly). But the large RTT is potentially tricky: we'll have to
take into account how many cells we've already sent on a stream since the
OP sent the notice, but before we received it. (The notices can have a
cell counter in them: "At the time I received X cells total, I have room
for N more cells.) Or something like that.
Ticket URL: <https://trac.torproject.org/projects/tor/ticket/7346#comment:2>
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