[tor-bugs] #7212 [Tor]: circuitmux assertion failure in
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blackhole at torproject.org
Tue Nov 6 17:19:26 UTC 2012
#7212: circuitmux assertion failure in
Reporter: nickm | Owner:
Type: defect | Status: new
Priority: major | Milestone: Tor: 0.2.4.x-final
Component: Tor | Version: Tor:
Keywords: tor-relay | Parent:
Points: | Actualpoints:
Comment(by aagbsn):
(gdb) select-frame 7
(gdb) info locals
__PRETTY_FUNCTION__ = "channel_closed"
__func__ = "channel_closed"
(gdb) info args
chan = 0x7fffe3fa13b0
(gdb) p *chan
$15 = {magic = 2316903463, state = CHANNEL_STATE_CLOSING,
global_identifier = 116130, registered = 1 '\001',
reason_for_closing = CHANNEL_CLOSE_FOR_ERROR,
timestamp_created = 1352131496, timestamp_active = 1352139161, free = 0,
close = 0x7ffff7ee31f0 <channel_tls_close_method>,
describe_transport = 0x7ffff7ee30d0
dumpstats = 0, cell_handler = 0x7ffff7efdfd0 <command_process_cell>,
var_cell_handler = 0x7ffff7efdc80 <command_process_var_cell>,
get_remote_addr = 0x7ffff7ee2f20 <channel_tls_get_remote_addr_method>,
get_remote_descr = 0x7ffff7ee2cd0 <channel_tls_get_remote_descr_method>,
has_queued_writes = 0x7ffff7ee2b80
is_canonical = 0x7ffff7ede820 <channel_tls_is_canonical_method>,
matches_extend_info = 0x7ffff7ee1380
<channel_tls_matches_extend_info_method>, matches_target = 0x7ffff7ee11d0
write_cell = 0x7ffff7ee29d0 <channel_tls_write_cell_method>,
write_packed_cell = 0x7ffff7ee2810
write_var_cell = 0x7ffff7ee2660 <channel_tls_write_var_cell_method>,
identity_digest = ")�1:x O��PILu\f����Rt", nickname = 0x0,
next_with_same_id = 0x0, prev_with_same_id = 0x0, incoming_queue = 0x0,
outgoing_queue = 0x0, cmux = 0x7fffe1953ed0,
circ_id_type = CIRC_ID_TYPE_LOWER, next_circ_id = 20738,
num_n_circuits = 4294967280, num_p_circuits = 4294967290,
is_bad_for_new_circs = 0, is_client = 0, is_incoming = 1, is_local = 0,
---Type <return> to continue, or q <return> to quit---
timestamp_client = 0, timestamp_drained = 1352139161,
timestamp_recv = 1352139160, timestamp_xmit = 1352139161,
timestamp_last_added_nonpadding = 1352139160, dirreq_id = 0,
n_cells_recved = 98393, n_cells_xmitted = 37552}
Ticket URL: <https://trac.torproject.org/projects/tor/ticket/7212#comment:11>
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