[tor-bugs] #7259 [Stem]: Stem doesn't recognize the CONTROLLER purpose
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torproject-admin at torproject.org
Sun Nov 4 18:29:57 UTC 2012
#7259: Stem doesn't recognize the CONTROLLER purpose
Reporter: atagar | Owner: neena
Type: defect | Status: closed
Priority: minor | Milestone:
Component: Stem | Version:
Resolution: fixed | Keywords:
Parent: | Points:
Actualpoints: |
Changes (by atagar):
* status: new => closed
* resolution: => fixed
This might or might not be fixed. Regardless, we're unlikely to encounter
it much more until we perform automated test runs with the ONLINE target.
Resolving - as discussed I'll reopen or file another ticket down the road
if the is still an issue.
11:12 < neena> atagar: re: #7259, I can't reproduce it. I can't think of
what could be going wrong
there. I'll probably take a look at tor's source to see if
anything wrong is
happening there.
11:13 < neena> and, how are controller circuits different from general
11:13 < atagar> Maybe try running that specific test in a 'for i in
xrange(10000):' loop in case
it's transient?
11:13 < atagar> I haven't a clue. I haven't looked into it much yet.
11:14 < neena> atagar: Hmm, I'll try that.
12:28 < atagar> neena: One thought on #7259 is that maybe the test should
try to call
repurpose_circuit() on every circuit? That might get more
reliable behavior in case
different circuit ids behave differently.
12:28 < atagar> I can only repro this on occasion too.
12:32 < atagar> neena: Alternatively maybe the repurpose_circuit() test
should get two circuit ids
so it can call repurpose with both 'CONTROLLER' and
'GENERAL'. As it is the
inconsistent repro could be because our first circuit
usually has
'PURPOSE=CONTROLLER', causing us to usually pick GENERAL.
12:34 < neena> atagar: I wrote it a little differently and tested it. By
creating a new circuit for
http://repo.or.cz/w/stem/neena.git/shortlog/refs/heads/fix-7259 But that
didn't fail
12:52 < atagar> I like that test better. The require_online() would mean
that I wouldn't encounter
it any longer (since I usually run with the default
targets) - is that needed for
new_circuit() to work?
13:06 < neena> atagar: Yeah. I like this test better too. The last one
checked if circuit-status
was blank before checking if we were online (I'm assuming
we do not have any circuit
to repurpose if we are offline). Want to merge this?
13:22 < atagar> Merged and pushed. I'm a little worried that we still have
the issue but we just
won't encounter it since ONLINE isn't a target by default.
Mind dropping that
requirement and seeing if it works when offline?
13:25 < neena> creating a new circuit definitely won't work when offline.
It fails with "551
Couldn't start circuit"
13:26 < atagar> Ahhh. Oh well.
13:43 < atagar> neena: Feel free to resolve #7259. I'll look into it more
and cut another ticket if
we run into it more down the road.
Ticket URL: <https://trac.torproject.org/projects/tor/ticket/7259#comment:2>
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