[tor-bugs] #7305 [Tor]: enum variables with defined bit width
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torproject-admin at torproject.org
Sun Nov 4 03:19:24 UTC 2012
#7305: enum variables with defined bit width
Reporter: ultramage | Owner:
Type: defect | Status: new
Priority: normal | Milestone:
Component: Tor | Version:
Keywords: msvc | Parent:
Points: | Actualpoints:
The signedness of an enum type according to the C standard is
implementation-defined, and thus shouldn't be relied on. However, the code
implicitly assumes it's unsigned (a gcc-specific thing?), and uses
constructs like this:
typedef enum {
} addr_policy_action_t;
addr_policy_action_t policy_type:2;
What happens to the above case with the MSVC compiler is that it treats
the enum type as signed, and writing a '2' makes two's-complement math
kick in, so '2' becomes '-2'. One unit test fails because of this, which
is how I noticed it. The consequence is that Tor's state can easily
destabilize, and impossible execution paths like this could occur:
test = 2;
assert( test == 2 ); // triggers
There are workarounds, like wrapping the enum in a struct (very ugly), or
using an integer type for storage (loss of type info). Ideally stop using
bit packing entirely in memory-only structures, and serialize to integer
types of exact size when crafting packets (an enum's size is variable in
gcc, fixed in msvc).
Here's a list of all offending places for patterns ":N" and ": N", N=1..9:
* circ_id_type_t circ_id_type:2;
* addr_policy_action_t policy_type:2;
* path_state_t path_state : 2;
* addressmap_entry_source_t source:3;
* } state : 3;
* } dir_spool_src : 3;
* saved_location_t saved_location : 3;
Ticket URL: <https://trac.torproject.org/projects/tor/ticket/7305>
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