[tor-bugs] #7059 [Tor]: TorControl: Unrecognized (node) key errors
Tor Bug Tracker & Wiki
torproject-admin at torproject.org
Fri Nov 2 17:54:59 UTC 2012
#7059: TorControl: Unrecognized (node) key errors
Reporter: mr-4 | Owner: aagbsn
Type: defect | Status: needs_information
Priority: normal | Milestone: Tor: unspecified
Component: Tor | Version: Tor:
Keywords: tor-client controller | Parent:
Points: | Actualpoints:
Comment(by nickm):
Replying to [comment:9 mr-4]:
> Replying to [comment:8 nickm]:
> > Can you be more specific about what isn't working for you?
> Thanks Nick. I figured that I had to use ns/id/*, but when I try
"GETINFO ns/id/<node_id>" (from the java code, admittedly), I get "551
Data not decodeable as hex" error as I already pointed out in my previous
> I tried both $XXX (where 'X' is the hash id - without spaces - of the
node in question), as well as XXX, but didn't get much luck. Am I doing
something wrong?
What I need here is the actual bytes getting sent to the Tor control port
for which the "Data not decodeable as hex" response is returned. As you
can see above, "GETINFO ns/id/ff8845046db449da989b025aea1d10e19e709166"
worked fine for me, so I need to see what your code is sending instead to
understand what is going on.
Ticket URL: <https://trac.torproject.org/projects/tor/ticket/7059#comment:10>
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