[tor-bugs] #4561 [Tor Client]: Extend Tor to no longer assume that a relay or bridge has exactly one address

Tor Bug Tracker & Wiki torproject-admin at torproject.org
Sun Mar 25 21:08:08 UTC 2012

#4561: Extend Tor to no longer assume that a relay or bridge has exactly one
 Reporter:  karsten     |          Owner:  ln5                      
     Type:  project     |         Status:  needs_review             
 Priority:  normal      |      Milestone:  Sponsor G: March 31, 2012
Component:  Tor Client  |        Version:                           
 Keywords:              |         Parent:                           
   Points:              |   Actualpoints:                           

Comment(by ln5):

 Access to the last data structures containing IPv4 addresses stored in
 a uint32_t have been converted to use wrapper functions, reflecting
 the fact that it's an IPv4 address in there.

 Please review and merge.

Ticket URL: <https://trac.torproject.org/projects/tor/ticket/4561#comment:14>
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