[tor-bugs] #4509 [Tor Support]: Write blog posts on strategies to avoid risk and protect online identity

Tor Bug Tracker & Wiki torproject-admin at torproject.org
Wed Mar 14 23:49:34 UTC 2012

#4509: Write blog posts on strategies to avoid risk and protect online identity
    Reporter:  runa         |       Owner:                           
        Type:  task         |      Status:  reopened                 
    Priority:  normal       |   Milestone:  Sponsor E: March 15, 2012
   Component:  Tor Support  |     Version:                           
  Resolution:               |    Keywords:                           
      Parent:               |      Points:                           
Actualpoints:               |  
Changes (by phobos):

  * status:  closed => reopened
  * resolution:  fixed =>


 Replying to [comment:3 runa]:
 > https://blog.torproject.org/blog/avoid-risk-and-protect-online-identity
 -- has a collection of good posts on this topic.

 This is just a linkfest of articles. The original point was to explain how
 to understand all of this data and knowledge to let people in hostile
 areas learn how to blog without getting arrested and tortured. Basically,
 the goal was to write up what we tell people in individual trainings, from
 explaining how the Internet works in reality, through setting up a blog
 with Tor, or even blogging via hidden service.

Ticket URL: <https://trac.torproject.org/projects/tor/ticket/4509#comment:4>
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