[tor-bugs] #5028 [Ooni]: Tor bridge scanning

Tor Bug Tracker & Wiki torproject-admin at torproject.org
Sat Mar 10 12:07:26 UTC 2012

#5028: Tor bridge scanning
 Reporter:  hellais  |          Owner:  runa                     
     Type:  project  |         Status:  assigned                 
 Priority:  normal   |      Milestone:  Sponsor F: March 15, 2012
Component:  Ooni     |        Version:                           
 Keywords:           |         Parent:                           
   Points:           |   Actualpoints:                           

Comment(by karsten):

 Replying to [comment:26 ioerror]:
 > I suggest that you print out a copy of every ip and simply call the
 Chinese embassy to find out if these are blocked.

 Was that only supposed to be funny, or is there an actual suggestion for
 doing things differently that you want to tell us?

Ticket URL: <https://trac.torproject.org/projects/tor/ticket/5028#comment:29>
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