[tor-bugs] #6083 [Torbutton]: Restore toggle for torbutton for another release or two

Tor Bug Tracker & Wiki torproject-admin at torproject.org
Wed Jun 6 16:34:44 UTC 2012

#6083: Restore toggle for torbutton for another release or two
 Reporter:  mikeperry  |          Owner:  cypherpunks
     Type:  defect     |         Status:  assigned   
 Priority:  major      |      Milestone:             
Component:  Torbutton  |        Version:             
 Keywords:             |         Parent:             
   Points:             |   Actualpoints:             
Changes (by mikeperry):

  * priority:  blocker => major
  * keywords:  MikePerry201206 =>
  * status:  new => assigned
  * owner:  => cypherpunks
 * cc: arma (added)


 Ok, I agonized over this all of last night, barely sleeping. Here's my
 final opinion:

 I will not ship known-broken configurations. I am here to build the
 future, not support the dying past. I will devote no effort to it, other
 than to help it die more quickly.

 If people really want Torbutton-toggle to exist, then the community will
 have fix the bugs, including issues with proxy bypass through plugins,
 webthreads, websockets, popup race conditions, other addon activity, spdy,
 and on and on and on.

 People who want to have an insecure browsing experience wrt proxy bypass
 and web tracking are otherwise free to install Foxyproxy. Or simply re-
 enable toggle using the checkbox at the bottom of the proxy preferences.

Ticket URL: <https://trac.torproject.org/projects/tor/ticket/6083#comment:1>
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