[tor-bugs] #5755 [Onionoo]: Atlas could show "fraction of Tor network by weight" graphs over time?
Tor Bug Tracker & Wiki
torproject-admin at torproject.org
Tue Jul 17 21:41:57 UTC 2012
#5755: Atlas could show "fraction of Tor network by weight" graphs over time?
Reporter: arma | Owner: karsten
Type: enhancement | Status: assigned
Priority: normal | Milestone:
Component: Onionoo | Version:
Keywords: | Parent:
Points: | Actualpoints:
Comment(by mikeperry):
Replying to [comment:14 karsten]:
> Replying to [comment:13 mikeperry]:
> > It sounds like you're doing it right, though if you hardcoded Wge and
Wgm at 0, be aware that they're only 0 now because exits are scarce
relative to Guard capacity.
> Hmm, can we even pick a relay without the Guard flag for the guard
Err duh, not normally. I misbrained the special case hack we do to allow
bridges to be weighted like guards (Wgm=Wgg), but that doesn't matter to
> It took me a bit longer to decide on hard-coding Weg and Wem to 0.
There might be relays with weird exit policies which don't have the Exit
flag, but which could be selected for the exit position. On the other
hand, it's just too weird to see a relay with reject *:* that has a non-
zero probability for being picked as exit. But I don't know if hard-
coding the weights to 0 is a good idea here. It's a simple solution,
though. :)
Yeah, you're right. I think you can leave it as-is, because even for the
weird exit policy case, it's not representative of the total traffic flow.
> > I'd probably need to see the equations you used to produce those P_*
values to be sure, actually.
> I just cleaned up and committed the Java code that I used to produce the
P_* values. You'll probably be interested in the part beginning
in line 174].
This looks good to me.
Ticket URL: <https://trac.torproject.org/projects/tor/ticket/5755#comment:15>
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