[tor-bugs] #6400 [Tor Client]: Eliminate long SMARTLIST_FOREACH statements

Tor Bug Tracker & Wiki torproject-admin at torproject.org
Tue Jul 17 14:52:40 UTC 2012

#6400: Eliminate long SMARTLIST_FOREACH statements
 Reporter:  nickm        |          Owner:                    
     Type:  enhancement  |         Status:  needs_review      
 Priority:  normal       |      Milestone:  Tor: 0.2.4.x-final
Component:  Tor Client   |        Version:                    
 Keywords:               |         Parent:                    
   Points:               |   Actualpoints:                    

Comment(by nickm):

 I've attached the script I used to find large loops.  It's a monstrous
 kludge based on how the preprocessor behaves.  To use it, temporarily add
 "(void)100;" to the SMARTLIST_FOREACH implementation at the start of the
 loop body, then invoke the script as "python big-loops2.py src/*/*.c
 src/*/*/*.c".  It relies on the preprocessor acting a little like gcc in
 how it squashes lines.

Ticket URL: <https://trac.torproject.org/projects/tor/ticket/6400#comment:2>
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