[tor-bugs] #6239 [Stem]: Implement SETCONF/RESETCONF parsing in Stem

Tor Bug Tracker & Wiki torproject-admin at torproject.org
Sun Jul 8 14:49:08 UTC 2012

#6239: Implement SETCONF/RESETCONF parsing in Stem
 Reporter:  neena   |          Owner:  neena       
     Type:  task    |         Status:  needs_review
 Priority:  normal  |      Milestone:              
Component:  Stem    |        Version:              
 Keywords:          |         Parent:              
   Points:          |   Actualpoints:              

Comment(by neena):

 Replying to [comment:4 atagar]:
 > Hi Ravi. Looks pretty good, though I think that arm had a better api for
 this. The SETCONF and RESETCONF do the exact same thing except for
 undefined values (the two controller methods would probably be combined if
 tor could break backward comparability). Stem's Controller shouldn't
 blindly mirror the control-spec if we can do better. ;)
 I think having seperate set_conf & reset_conf would be better. Even if
 both the methods were combined, it would be neater to be able to do
 instead of
 controller.set_conf('this', None, True)

 Ideally, developers will be using the reset_conf method to reset
 configuration options only. I was on the fence about letting reset_conf
 also modify configuration values, because of what you mentioned (it does
 the same thing), but then that would make it impossible to do "RESETCONF

Ticket URL: <https://trac.torproject.org/projects/tor/ticket/6239#comment:6>
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