[tor-bugs] #5965 [TorBrowserButton]: Flag important sections of Torbutton code for preservation

Tor Bug Tracker & Wiki torproject-admin at torproject.org
Fri Jul 6 15:24:39 UTC 2012

#5965: Flag important sections of Torbutton code for preservation
    Reporter:  mikeperry         |       Owner:  mikeperry      
        Type:  task              |      Status:  closed         
    Priority:  major             |   Milestone:                 
   Component:  TorBrowserButton  |     Version:                 
  Resolution:  fixed             |    Keywords:  MikePerry201206
      Parent:  #5709             |      Points:  5              
Actualpoints:  5                 |  

Comment(by gk):

 Replying to [comment:1 mikeperry]:

 > Do either of you have any additional suggestions to help make your lives

 I might be a bit late to the party as you already closed the ticket, but
 yes I have some additional suggestions in random order:

 1) A nit and maybe not worth fixing: "P0: Toogle mode code. It needs to
 die." -> "P0: It needs to die." as in jshooks.js is no toggle mode related
 code (and torbutton_check_version() and... neither).

 2) Throw out FF3 related stuff as nobody is seriously supporting it

 3) torbutton_test_settings() should die as well and get rather implemented
 as an own test in a test harness.

 4) Remove preferences cruft (e.g. setting
 browser.safebrowsing.remoteLookups) and other cruft (contents.rdf).

 5) What about torbutton_util.js and torcookie.js? Priority comments are
 missing in them.

Ticket URL: <https://trac.torproject.org/projects/tor/ticket/5965#comment:5>
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