[tor-bugs] #4850 [Tor Hidden Services]: Multiple circuit building optimization

Tor Bug Tracker & Wiki torproject-admin at torproject.org
Fri Jan 6 16:21:06 UTC 2012

#4850: Multiple circuit building optimization
 Reporter:  hellais              |          Owner:     
     Type:  enhancement          |         Status:  new
 Priority:  normal               |      Milestone:     
Component:  Tor Hidden Services  |        Version:     
 Keywords:                       |         Parent:     
   Points:                       |   Actualpoints:     
 This mostly applies to a usecase such as tor2web where you have a lot of
 requests in a certain time frame. It might be a good idea to have more
 than one active circuit towards a certain hidden service (the top 10).

 By building more than one circuit towards a hidden service you are then
 able to collect some benchmark data with all your active circuits and
 determine which are the fastest ones and which are the slowest.

 The benchmark collection and optimization of circuits by speed could be
 useful also for the normal user of Tor HS, however it might have some bad
 anonymity consequences.

 Q: Is it a bad idea to discard slow circuits towards Tor HS and keep only
 fast ones?

 notes: Keep in mind that you have no control over the circuit on the
 Hidden Service side and that building a new circuit takes quite a lot of

 Q: What privacy implications does such a feature have?

Ticket URL: <https://trac.torproject.org/projects/tor/ticket/4850>
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