[tor-bugs] #5280 [Obfsproxy]: obfsproxy transport functions do not understand TCP
Tor Bug Tracker & Wiki
torproject-admin at torproject.org
Wed Feb 29 22:45:20 UTC 2012
#5280: obfsproxy transport functions do not understand TCP
Reporter: asn | Owner: asn
Type: defect | Status: new
Priority: normal | Milestone:
Component: Obfsproxy | Version:
Keywords: | Parent:
Points: | Actualpoints:
Imagine you are trying to pass a large amount of data (more than 4096
bytes) over the client-side of a transport. In this case, libevent
calls downstream_read_cb() every 4096 bytes of data (is it
EVBUFFER_MAX_READ?), which in turn calls proto_send(). This means that
if a transport has headers, they are appended every 4096 bytes. Then,
during proto_send(), the obfuscated data are appended to the 'dest'
If the file was bigger than 4096 bytes, proto_send() will be called
again (for the rest of the data), and a header will be added
again. Then the new 4096 bytes of obfuscated data will also be added
to the 'dest' evbuffer. Then on the next libevent loop, libevent will
send all the buffered data to the wire. This means, that on the wire
we will see a big fragmented TCP packet with multiple transport
headers on it.
How can we guarantee to our transports that their headers will be
appended only to new TCP packets? A fragmented TCP packet with two
bunches of HTTP headers in it doesn't happen in real life.
Should we somehow implement the "Don't add stuff to 'dest', if 'dest'
already has stuff in it."? Should we add it as the default behavior of
proto_send? How much will it cripple performance? Does this make
As a secondary question, does EVBUFFER_MAX_READ add fingerprints in
our traffic, when we send large amounts of data?
(Arturo encountered this issue when implementing his HTTP transport,
so I'm CCing him.)
Ticket URL: <https://trac.torproject.org/projects/tor/ticket/5280>
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