[tor-bugs] #5009 [Obfsproxy]: obfsproxy does not build from instructions on debian squeeze

Tor Bug Tracker & Wiki torproject-admin at torproject.org
Sat Feb 11 19:50:14 UTC 2012

#5009: obfsproxy does not build from instructions on debian squeeze
 Reporter:  arma       |          Owner:  asn
     Type:  defect     |         Status:  new
 Priority:  normal     |      Milestone:     
Component:  Obfsproxy  |        Version:     
 Keywords:             |         Parent:     
   Points:             |   Actualpoints:     

Comment(by fjwelte):

 Agree - Manually installing latest libevent worked for me.

 Had to change git to git-core

 libevent-openssl doesn't seem to exist (openssl support already included
 in libevent?)

 "./autogen.sh && ./configure && make" fails unless libevent installed in
 default directory (unless change environment variables)

Ticket URL: <https://trac.torproject.org/projects/tor/ticket/5009#comment:29>
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