[tor-bugs] #5086 [Vidalia]: [URGENT] "Control socket is not connected" when starting TOR/Vidalia

Tor Bug Tracker & Wiki torproject-admin at torproject.org
Sat Feb 11 15:15:32 UTC 2012

#5086: [URGENT] "Control socket is not connected" when starting TOR/Vidalia
 Reporter:  kalender                            |          Owner:  chiiph             
     Type:  defect                              |         Status:  new                
 Priority:  critical                            |      Milestone:                     
Component:  Vidalia                             |        Version:  Tor:
 Keywords:  control socket, port, vidalia, tor  |         Parent:                     
   Points:                                      |   Actualpoints:                     
 I don't know why. But TOR/Vidalia just stopped working for me. I've never
 had any problem with it. Just installed and launched without any error

 Still, this message pops up:

 "Vidalia was unable to authenticate to the Tor software. (Control socket
 is not connected).

 Please check your control port authentication settings"

 '''?!?!?!?! '''

 Googled for it without any success. Reinstalled Vidalia/TOR '''x''' times,
 installed the latest version (Alpha), etc etc. Why won't it work anymore?
 I havent change any setting at all. Anywhere.

 Version: vidalia-bundle-''''''.exe
 Windows XP

 Please, help.

 Thanks in advance,

Ticket URL: <https://trac.torproject.org/projects/tor/ticket/5086>
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