[tor-bugs] #6726 [Tor bundles/installation]: Obfsproxy TBBs don't work on Mac OS X 10.7.4 and 10.8.1

Tor Bug Tracker & Wiki torproject-admin at torproject.org
Wed Aug 29 15:49:28 UTC 2012

#6726: Obfsproxy TBBs don't work on Mac OS X 10.7.4 and 10.8.1
 Reporter:  karsten                   |          Owner:  erinn          
     Type:  defect                    |         Status:  new            
 Priority:  major                     |      Milestone:                 
Component:  Tor bundles/installation  |        Version:  Vidalia: 0.2.20
 Keywords:                            |         Parent:                 
   Points:                            |   Actualpoints:                 

Comment(by erinn):

 I'd prefer to statically link it unless it becomes easy to figure out the
 dynamic linking on OS X. I played around with changing the paths listed in
 otool -L obfsproxy (with install_name_tool -change /path/to/dylib
 /new/path/to/dylib but because of obfsproxy's location and the location of
 the libraries I did not get it to work unless I put obfsproxy where the
 Vidalia executable is. For reference, the command to change it to the
 actual location of the libs would be, e.g,:

 install_name_tool -change /builds/torbrowser_alpha_64/build-

 But that doesn't work because libssl references libcrypto, which itself
 has this path: @executable_path/../Frameworks/libssl.1.0.0.dylib

 so I THINK, based on what I've read, that they need to be the same. But
 Tor/Vidalia don't want obfsproxy in that directory and I didn't see in the
 vidalia.conf or torrc how to change its path. Maybe someone else knows
 either: 1) how to fix install_name_tool so it is happy, 2) how to tell
 Vidalia and Tor obfsproxy has a new home, or 3) how to statically link
 OpenSSL into obfsproxy. (I didn't see anything in the build scripts, but I
 didn't look very hard.)

Ticket URL: <https://trac.torproject.org/projects/tor/ticket/6726#comment:5>
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