[tor-bugs] #6498 [Metrics Website]: new metrics graph showing number of 100mbit exits

Tor Bug Tracker & Wiki torproject-admin at torproject.org
Thu Aug 2 16:55:46 UTC 2012

#6498: new metrics graph showing number of 100mbit exits
 Reporter:  arma             |          Owner:              
     Type:  project          |         Status:  needs_review
 Priority:  normal           |      Milestone:              
Component:  Metrics Website  |        Version:              
 Keywords:  SponsorJ         |         Parent:              
   Points:                   |   Actualpoints:              
Changes (by gsathya):

  * status:  new => needs_review



 Add '--almost-fast-exit-relay' -
 Display only exits which have a bw rate between 80 Mbit/s and
 95 Mbit/s, advertised bw between 2000kb and 5000kb and allow
 exiting to 80, 443 ports.

 Add 'no more than 2 per /24' clause -
 Only 2 relays per /24 blocks are used. Figure out the network addr for
 a relay and store it in a dict(network_data) with a 'network'->'relay'
 mapping. Check if 2 relays are present in network_data for a
 particular network, if yes, then find the relay with the smallest exit
 probability and remove it from the list of all relays and add the current
 relay to the list of all relays.

 I made a mistake in the commit msg, the mapping is actually 'network' ->
 ['relay', 'relay'].
 Running it with --almost-fast-exit-relay takes almost 9 secs. I wonder if
 I can optimize this even more. Thoughts?

Ticket URL: <https://trac.torproject.org/projects/tor/ticket/6498#comment:7>
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