[tor-bugs] #4252 [Tor Relay]: Proposal 176 (?) memory leaks

Tor Bug Tracker & Wiki torproject-admin at torproject.org
Thu Oct 20 04:20:25 UTC 2011

#4252: Proposal 176 (?) memory leaks
 Reporter:  arma       |          Owner:  nickm   
     Type:  defect     |         Status:  accepted
 Priority:  major      |      Milestone:          
Component:  Tor Relay  |        Version:          
 Keywords:             |         Parent:          
   Points:             |   Actualpoints:          
Changes (by nickm):

  * owner:  => nickm
  * priority:  normal => major
  * status:  new => accepted


 Oy, that's a lot of ram!

 The first one looks easy to fix.  The last 3 are all allocating X509
 certificates from inside ssl3_get_server_certificate; I'm betting that we
 incref them someplace but don't free them enough.  That could be harder to
 find.  I'll poke at those.

Ticket URL: <https://trac.torproject.org/projects/tor/ticket/4252#comment:1>
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