[tor-bugs] #2672 [Torperf]: Fix bugs/issues with consolidate_stats
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torproject-admin at torproject.org
Wed Mar 16 06:22:13 UTC 2011
#2672: Fix bugs/issues with consolidate_stats
Reporter: mikeperry | Owner: mikeperry
Type: defect | Status: assigned
Priority: major | Milestone:
Component: Torperf | Version:
Keywords: MikePerryIteration20110320 | Parent:
Points: 2 | Actualpoints:
Comment(by mikeperry):
Replying to [comment:11 karsten]:
> Replying to [comment:9 mikeperry]:
> > All of this + the earlier changes should be in mikeperry/ticket2672.
> Some comments on that branch:
> - Can the note `"This script will strip all failure information from
the output. [...]"` in `consolidate_stats.py` go away now?
Yes. I will fix it.
> - I noticed that 158 of the 2428 lines in my sample `.data` file don't
have a matching `.extradata` line with a `USED_AT` entry, but only 22 of
these 158 runs actually timed out. What could be the reason for
`extra_stats.py` not setting `USED_AT` even though the circuit was
actually used for a successful Torperf run? I attached my data to this
ticket; see `50kb.data-not-used` for the runs for which `extra_stats.py`
finds no matching circuit.
This is very strange. I will have to dig through the tarball and find out
what is going on..
> - You have a comment `"Add purpose to the .extradata?"` in your code.
Should we just add it? Or add a ticket for this?
Actually, I just checked extra_data.py, and it doesn't even bother to
record streams whose PURPOSE is not USER. So I don't think this is needed.
> - You have another comment `"Torperf only uses 3 hop paths."`. This
seems to be correct, or at least I didn't find a case when we used a
circuit with fewer or more than 3 hops in my sample data. But why is your
comment prefixed with `XXX`?
Hrmm. It is my estimation that we should now have no USED_AT lines with
path lengths other than 3, because of the PURPOSE filter in extra_data.py,
so I think both of these XXX checks and comments can go away.
Ticket URL: <https://trac.torproject.org/projects/tor/ticket/2672#comment:12>
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