[tor-bugs] #2563 [Metrics]: Add R code for processing Torperf data to the Torperf repository

Tor Bug Tracker & Wiki torproject-admin at torproject.org
Tue Mar 8 16:47:01 UTC 2011

#2563: Add R code for processing Torperf data to the Torperf repository
    Reporter:  karsten      |       Owner:  tomb                    
        Type:  enhancement  |      Status:  closed                  
    Priority:  normal       |   Milestone:                          
   Component:  Metrics      |     Version:                          
  Resolution:  implemented  |    Keywords:  TorPerfIteration20110305
      Parent:               |      Points:  3                       
Actualpoints:  3            |  
Changes (by karsten):

  * status:  needs_review => closed
  * resolution:  => implemented


 The bug was that by picking specific dates we could end up with partially
 empty data frames.  Specifically, some of the vectors of a data frame had
 length 0 (the filtered data), but others had length 1 (the constants we
 were passing).  We need to check whether something's left after filtering
 out the dates we want and return NULL, if not.

 Fixed, squashed, rebased, and pushed to master.  Yay!  Thanks. :)

Ticket URL: <https://trac.torproject.org/projects/tor/ticket/2563#comment:11>
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