[tor-bugs] #3329 [Torbutton]: Pages freeze after trurning torbutton off

Tor Bug Tracker & Wiki torproject-admin at torproject.org
Thu Jun 2 04:10:07 UTC 2011

#3329: Pages freeze after trurning torbutton off
 Reporter:  snowfreak91287  |          Owner:  mikeperry     
     Type:  defect          |         Status:  new           
 Priority:  normal          |      Milestone:                
Component:  Torbutton       |        Version:  Torbutton: 1.3
 Keywords:                  |         Parent:                
   Points:                  |   Actualpoints:                
Changes (by arma):

  * priority:  critical => normal


 Depending on what you mean by "freeze", this is a feature.

 There are a variety of privacy-breaking attacks that are possible if you
 click on links in Tor-disabled state when you loaded the page in Tor-
 enabled state.

 So the answer is that Torbutton prevents you from clicking on the links.
 If you want to do that, you should reload the page in your new state first
 (go to the url bar, click on it, and hit enter to load the page fresh).

Ticket URL: <https://trac.torproject.org/projects/tor/ticket/3329#comment:1>
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