[tor-bugs] #2457 [- Select a component]: aljazeera censored

Tor Bug Tracker & Wiki torproject-admin at torproject.org
Sat Jan 29 23:07:33 UTC 2011

#2457: aljazeera censored
  Reporter:  rosc2112              |       Owner:          
      Type:  defect                |      Status:  reopened
  Priority:  normal                |   Milestone:          
 Component:  - Select a component  |     Version:          
Resolution:                        |    Keywords:          
    Points:                        |      Parent:          
Changes (by erinn):

  * status:  closed => reopened
  * resolution:  invalid =>


 Actually, I can reproduce this when using 'hands' as an exit. I emailed
 the operator to see if there's an upstream problem, but please see if you
 can recreate it with this specific exit.

Ticket URL: <https://trac.torproject.org/projects/tor/ticket/2457#comment:2>
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