[tor-bugs] #2620 [Vidalia]: Vidalia 0.2.11 release and future workflow
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torproject-admin at torproject.org
Wed Feb 23 23:18:51 UTC 2011
#2620: Vidalia 0.2.11 release and future workflow
Reporter: chiiph | Owner: chiiph
Type: task | Status: needs_review
Priority: normal | Milestone:
Component: Vidalia | Version:
Keywords: | Parent:
Points: | Actualpoints:
Comment(by edmanm):
Replying to [comment:8 chiiph]:
> I'm not talking for arma, but the impression was that you wanted to
review everything related to stable, but didn't care too much about alpha
itself (until some of alpha was planned to go to stable).
Ah, yeah, that's where the disconnect was. My understanding was that for
now I was going to review stuff that was going to be released as "Vidalia"
after you and Sebastian are done working on it in your branch, until
someone else (probably chiiph) is ready to help out with that role. I
didn't realize you wanted to actually do releases from that branch as
But if your plan is to release everything as an alpha "Vidalia" anyway,
then I don't think there's really much point in me keeping a separate
branch and reviewing changes to it. So if you want to move everything to
git*, then go for it. Don't let my opinions on git vs. svn get in the way.
* Obviously you're going to have to solve some issues related to packaging
and translations as a result of moving to git, but that shouldn't be too
Ticket URL: <https://trac.torproject.org/projects/tor/ticket/2620#comment:10>
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