[tor-bugs] #2479 [Tor Relay]: be more lenient about changed descriptors
Tor Bug Tracker & Wiki
torproject-admin at torproject.org
Tue Feb 22 23:45:40 UTC 2011
#2479: be more lenient about changed descriptors
Reporter: arma | Owner:
Type: defect | Status: new
Priority: normal | Milestone: Tor: 0.2.2.x-final
Component: Tor Relay | Version:
Keywords: | Parent:
Points: | Actualpoints:
Comment(by arma):
I've been running moria1 for weeks with the new params, and everything
seems peachy.
The main difference is that http://metrics.torproject.org/consensus-
health.html lists
tor26 3320 total 2546 Running
ides 3319 total 2574 Running
maatuska 3311 total 2532 Running
dannenberg 3318 total 2534 Running
urras 3320 total 2522 Running
moria1 3492 total 2562 Running
dizum 3321 total 2535 Running
gabelmoo 3311 total 2524 Running
consensus 2538 total 2538 Running
That is, moria1 is voting about 3500 relays when most people are voting
about 3300. moria1 produces a few more Running votes than the others, but
not many more.
I haven't done the analysis to see if it's voting Running for nodes that
are in the "last couple of hours before they're going to fall out of
moria1's vote too" category. We could put this on the bottom end of
Karsten's todo list to check, or we could just decide this change is
potentially helpful and not harmful and run with it.
Specifically, I'm running with these two params changed:
/** How old can a router get before we (as a server) will no longer
* consider it live? In seconds. */
-#define ROUTER_MAX_AGE_TO_PUBLISH (60*60*20)
+#define ROUTER_MAX_AGE_TO_PUBLISH (60*60*24)
/** Any changes in a router descriptor's publication time larger than
this are
* automatically non-cosmetic. */
Ticket URL: <https://trac.torproject.org/projects/tor/ticket/2479#comment:2>
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