[tor-bugs] #2528 [Vidalia]: Does Vidalia display the CLOCK_SKEW event to the user even on severity info?

Tor Bug Tracker & Wiki torproject-admin at torproject.org
Thu Feb 10 05:57:04 UTC 2011

#2528: Does Vidalia display the CLOCK_SKEW event to the user even on severity
  Reporter:  arma     |              Owner:  chiiph
      Type:  defect   |             Status:  new   
  Priority:  normal   |          Milestone:        
 Component:  Vidalia  |            Version:        
  Keywords:           |             Parent:  #1074 
    Points:           |   Actualpointsdone:        
Pointsdone:           |       Actualpoints:        
 #1074 fixed an instance in Tor where we were sending CLOCK_SKEW with
 severity "warn" to the controller in response to NETINFO cells that tell
 us our clock is wrong.

 There remain reports like #2523 where the users are getting told in the
 Vidalia message window that their clock is wrong, but when they go into
 the Tor logs there aren't any corresponding logs.

 Is Vidalia showing the clock-skew warning to the user even when the
 severity for the event is info?

 If so, we should probably fix Tor to not send any info-level skew events.
 In retrospect it's kind of a dumb idea anyway ("Dear controller, I think
 maybe the clock is skewed, I dunno, don't tell your user yet, but I'm
 telling you").

Ticket URL: <https://trac.torproject.org/projects/tor/ticket/2528>
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