[tor-bugs] #2505 [Metrics]: Implement bridge descriptor secret manager in metrics-db

Tor Bug Tracker & Wiki torproject-admin at torproject.org
Wed Feb 9 17:43:52 UTC 2011

#2505: Implement bridge descriptor secret manager in metrics-db
  Reporter:  karsten      |              Owner:  karsten     
      Type:  enhancement  |             Status:  needs_review
  Priority:  normal       |          Milestone:              
 Component:  Metrics      |            Version:              
  Keywords:               |             Parent:  #2435       
    Points:               |   Actualpointsdone:              
Pointsdone:               |       Actualpoints:              
Changes (by karsten):

  * status:  new => needs_review


 Today I finished the implementation of hashed IP addresses in metrics-db
 and pushed it to branch hashed_bridge_ips in my public metrics-db
 repository.  I'm optimistically setting the needs_review in case someone
 wants to look.  I'd rather like to know early if I broke the secure random
 number generator or something.

 Here are the next steps:

  - Sanitize some old bridge descriptors from 2008 with the new algorithm
  - Run a simple analysis of the sanitized descriptors to find out how
 often bridges change their IP address.  The goal here is to find out if
 the sanitized descriptors are useful for statistics.
  - Update the specification-like description of our the sanitizing process
 [https://metrics.torproject.org/papers/data-2010-12-29.pdf here].
  - Post the sanitized descriptors from November 2008 to or-dev for others
 to look.
  - Sanitize the 2.5 years of descriptors that we have once again and make
 them available on the metrics website.

Ticket URL: <https://trac.torproject.org/projects/tor/ticket/2505#comment:1>
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